
This is all new to me.

Hello land of bloggers! I was insprired by "Leezybloggs.blogspot.com" to get started and get some work out here. It is amazing how talented all of you are, and it such a treat to see work that inspires and makes me not want to watch T.V. when I get home from work.

Because this is all new to me, I may not be the most savvy blogger. But I am going to try to help bring some life to all of your pencils, pens, scissors, paints, etc. And change my, "I will do it tomorrow" attitude.

Have fun looking, and thanks for getting me motivated.


Anonymous said...

Hi Elaine!
Maybe, hopefully you will get this! It 's Morgan from Oliver @ KU. Well anyway it would be so great to get in touch with you. My email address is morganua92@yahoo.com.
But I wanted to comment on this picture as well....
As long as it has been Eileen, this is my friend. Hopefully we can reconnect! So much has changed.....
Your friend-
Morgan (Kloster) Brewster

Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

Hi Elaine,
I, too, was new to blogging and was inspired by Leeza. (hi leeza!) She has an energy that is quite catchy. I love your photos and art work. Love the colors of the birds soaring into the sun. And baby Jack is adorable!

Good luck!